
Lesson 5の続きです。いつもにも増して今回の例文はキテます。。。

hit on : (異性に)言寄る、迫る、ナンパする

When my husband gets drunk he starts hitting on women. It pisses me off so bad that now I refuse to go to parties with him anymore, because I always end up going off on him and making a scene.


A couple of years ago I went to a gay club with my bi friend and I got hit on by some butch looking woman that looked like she was in her late 40`s. When I told her that I was straight she finally gave up, but we ended up becoming good friends.


I had a friend in college that used to always ask me to go with him when he hits on girls. He said that if I was with him when he did it would make him seem more trustworthy to the girl. I thought it was a crazy idea at first, but it actually worked. He got a lot more girls with me there with him.


My friends always try to get me to go clubbing with them but I always say no because I don’t see the point. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, and I can’t dance, so what would I do at a club besides be a boring wallflower and get hit on by loud and annoying drunk men?

I went over to my grandmother’s a few weeks ago and one of her friends actually tried to hit on me when my grandmother went to the bathroom! She started rubbing on my leg and asked me if I had a girlfriend and when I said no she asked me if I liked older woman. Lucky for me as soon as she asked my grandmother walked back in the room, so I didn’t have to answer. She had to be pushing 80 at least! I seriously couldn’t believe it!

